Current Project




Tineán (Carlow Voluntary Housing Association)


Commenced in November 2015





New Build Residential Care Home

The construction of a new 6 bedroom residential care home, the first in Ireland to be built to Passiv Haus standards.

The construction of this 6 bedroom residential care home designed to support residents with special needs is taking place on the grounds of an existing Tinteán (Carlow Voluntary Housing Association) facility just outside Carlow Town. 

The works consist of the construction of a new part single, part two storey dwelling providing accommodation for 6 adults with special needs, and their support staff. 

The residential building incorporates 6 no bedrooms, 1 staff bedroom, living areas, accessible bathrooms and accessible shower rooms.  Externally a new courtyard garden area will be created which will negotiate the level difference between the proposed dwelling and the existing dwelling on site. This will include a paved area and a grassed area with planters, steps and ramps. 

The building is designed to Passiv Haus standards and will be externally insulated and rendered block work walls, timber roof structure and metal profiled roof cladding.  The air tightness benchmark for this project is set at 0.60 ach@50pa.

ARCHITECT: MEME Architecture
M&E ENGINEER: Galileo Energy
CIVIL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Bowe Consulting Engineers
QUANTITY SURVEYOR: Brennan Associates

The building works are completed, with electrical services connected and water services commissioned.  We have received certification confirming that the building has achieved the required air-tightness of 0.60 ach@50pa, a key marker in our achievement of Passive House certification.